
I am Kristin. I am Erik’s wife. I am Joshua, Rebecca, & Andrew’s mom. I am John and Karen’s daughter. I am sister to many, mentor to some, friend to others. Most defining, I am Christ’s daughter, adopted by God–rescued and saved by grace. And almost every single day, I need to be reminded of that truth. Check out my FAQ page for more!

{best friends}

{best friends}

Joshua, Rebecca, and Tiny Tiger

Joshua, Rebecca, and Tiny Tiger


The Princess: Becca


The Big Guy: Joshua

The Newest: Andrew

The Newest: Andrew

1 Response to About

  1. staywellfireyourdoctor says:

    🙂 INTJ married to an ISFJ !!!
    I’ve never met anyone else more marriageable than my husband but we are completely different in many ways. Though we are a happy couple reflecting on our personality types could perhaps make us (even more) accepting of our differences. In recent times I’ve been working on figuring out my sons’ types in an effort to improve my parenting and our relationships. I have an ENTP ( Classic and easy to recognise) but my younger son may be ISTJ or INTJ or ISFJ, I really haven’t put my finger on it but boy do we clash !

    Anyway, all the best!

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