Mother’s Day: Here It Is Again

In honor of the approaching Mother’s Day and all those women who yearn to be mothers….

Glimpses of Me: Choosing Motherhood

Mother’s Day used to hurt my heart.

Over three years and two kids later … it still kinda does.

Mother’s Day hurts my heart because I remember. I remember how it felt to wake up on that dreadful morning, knowing I needed to paste on a smile and go to church. I would try to view it as a day to honor my own mom, and grandma, and mother-in-law, but deep down, it just flat out hurt.

It still kinda hurts because, as God is a God who works all things for goodand continues to place women in my life who are battling the often all-too-silent battle of infertility, I am connected with a handful of women right now who desperately desire to be mothers and for whatever variety of circumstances, are not yet.

better Keep on hoping, future mothers

It hurts, to see mothers become mothers when they didn’t…

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About kristinlindeen

I am Kristin. I am Erik's wife. I am Joshua, Rebecca, and Andrew's mom. I am known nationally as the "QBQ! Daughter" and keynote on Personal Accountability and the QBQ. I am certified in Myers Briggs and am passionate about helping people understand themselves and others better. I am John and Karen's daughter. I am sister to many, mentor to some, friend to others. Most defining, I am Christ's daughter, adopted by God--rescued and saved by grace. And almost every single day, I need to be reminded of that truth. Come say "hi" at and of course, browse the blog! I'd love to hear from you, so comment away!
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