“Will the airplane run out of batteries?!”

Joshua after learning earlier this evening that Mommy, Becca and Andrew are going on a trip without him …

“Mama? I just weally weally don’t want your and Beccas and baby Andrew’s airpwane to, um, … Cwash….”

After affirming his concern and explaining it’s okay to be nervous but planes are quite safe, I reminded him to pray to Jesus when he’s worried.

“Ok mama. But mama, wike a long time ago, when you go on trips, and I wonder if the airplane is old and runs out of batteries and you cwash…Will your plane run out of batteries?!”

Oh man, these kids and what they process in their minds. And often it’s too easy to steamroll over them.

There’s always the to-do list: dishes to wash, laundry to fold, suitcases to pack… I really “don’t have time” for this.

And yet, laying here in the dark, typing this while Joshua’s hand iron-grips my forearm as he finally drifts off to sleep … I know this is what I needed to do with my time this evening.
THIS is motherhood. You’re witnessing the making of a mother.

About kristinlindeen

I am Kristin. I am Erik's wife. I am Joshua, Rebecca, and Andrew's mom. I am known nationally as the "QBQ! Daughter" and keynote on Personal Accountability and the QBQ. I am certified in Myers Briggs and am passionate about helping people understand themselves and others better. I am John and Karen's daughter. I am sister to many, mentor to some, friend to others. Most defining, I am Christ's daughter, adopted by God--rescued and saved by grace. And almost every single day, I need to be reminded of that truth. Come say "hi" at www.QBQ.com and of course, browse the blog! I'd love to hear from you, so comment away!
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1 Response to “Will the airplane run out of batteries?!”

  1. staywellfireyourdoctor says:

    Somehow even if the details are forgotten, so much of the ordinary nitty gritty will add up to the childhood memory of “what my mum was like” so yep! Dishes and laundry will always be there but boy do the little conversations count!

I'd love to hear from you!