Can I Make 2016 “The Year”?

Today I remembered that I’d blogged about 2016 being “the year” … I’ll have to reflect a little bit and decide if I think I accomplished what I hoped to.

Glimpses of Me: Choosing Motherhood

I will make 2016 the year that I change.My mind screamed for a break from the work I was doing, even though I’d finally gotten into a good flow, and probably should have stayed focused.

But that’s how my world is now, right? Unfocused. Scattered. Distracted. Tired. So very, very tired.

And so, against my better judgment, I saved the document I was working on and robotically clicked over to Facebook. As if the monster of social media would hold some sort of new inspiration for me. (more on the addiction of FB later).

But for once, because I’ve slowly chosen to start following more inspirational type people/pages so that the time spent on FB is SLIGHTLY worthwhile, it did.

I saw two quotes back to back. The first:

Whatever you’re facing, GOD IS BIGGER. (Emily of

I read it and I thought, TRUTH. God IS bigger than my poor eating, my aptitude for lethargy and laziness…

View original post 446 more words

About kristinlindeen

I am Kristin. I am Erik's wife. I am Joshua, Rebecca, and Andrew's mom. I am known nationally as the "QBQ! Daughter" and keynote on Personal Accountability and the QBQ. I am certified in Myers Briggs and am passionate about helping people understand themselves and others better. I am John and Karen's daughter. I am sister to many, mentor to some, friend to others. Most defining, I am Christ's daughter, adopted by God--rescued and saved by grace. And almost every single day, I need to be reminded of that truth. Come say "hi" at and of course, browse the blog! I'd love to hear from you, so comment away!
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