Stop Growling at your brother!!

Tonight while we were out to dinner with our little brood, an older couple who had spent their whole dinner sending smiles and coos our direction, stopped by our table.
The man said hi to the children and told me Becca reminds them of their granddaughter–talking non stop, a mile a minute.

The woman said, “Your kids were very good, considering their ages! You two were definitely in charge. A lot of times, I see families where the kids are in charge, but not here. You have a good little family!”

We thanked them and said goodbye.

Her words meant a lot to me. We’ve been sick for what feels like weeks, our kids were being loud (as kids usually are!) and we were working hard to engage them while we waited for our food instead of just snap at them and tell them to be quiet. And stop growling at each other. And crawling under the table. 😆

It’s always nice to have your effort recognized! And it’s so great to have such good kids.

Seasoned parents, if you see a young family successfully maintaining the chaos out in public, it would do that mother’s heart so much good if you paused, smiled, handed her the baby’s blanket off the floor and said, “You’re doing a good job.”

About kristinlindeen

I am Kristin. I am Erik's wife. I am Joshua, Rebecca, and Andrew's mom. I am known nationally as the "QBQ! Daughter" and keynote on Personal Accountability and the QBQ. I am certified in Myers Briggs and am passionate about helping people understand themselves and others better. I am John and Karen's daughter. I am sister to many, mentor to some, friend to others. Most defining, I am Christ's daughter, adopted by God--rescued and saved by grace. And almost every single day, I need to be reminded of that truth. Come say "hi" at and of course, browse the blog! I'd love to hear from you, so comment away!
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1 Response to Stop Growling at your brother!!

  1. Glad you received that affirmation! Will try to be more aware myself of doing that sort of thing!

I'd love to hear from you!